Eng. Sh. CH. Foxrush Giselle |
GB Sh. CH. Foxrush Giselle
Yellow bitch
DOB: 3 April 2002
Breeder/Owner: Mrs J Charleton
BVA/KC hips 7:6, 2003
Foxrush Galavant |
Foxrush Galavant
Black bitch
DOB: 3 April 2002
Breeder/Owner: Mrs J Charlton
Jap.CH. Foxrush Gentleman |
Jap.CH. Foxrush Goldilocks |
Jap. CH. Foxrush Gentleman
Black dog
DOB: 3 April 2002
Breeder: Mrs J Charlton
Owner: Mr and Mrs Yoshikawa
| Jap. CH. Foxrush Goldilocks
Yellow bitch
DOB: 3 April 2002
Breeder: Mrs J Charlton
Owner: Mr and Mrs Yoshikawa