Marina - 5 years, 9 months |
Int. CH.Norfield Royal Marina, RN, WC
"Marina" BBEE (Black) VetGen SR50610001 DOB: 11 June, 2008 - 2021 Breeder: Jane T. Babbitt Owner: Elaine Pearson/Jane Babbitt
Hips: OFA LR-188031E24F-VPI (Excellent) Elbows: OFA LR-EL47658F24-VPI Eyes: CERF LR-55482/2012-44
OFA LR-EYE1198/58F-VPI EIC: +/+ (positive) DDCVet
International Championship title - October 15/16, 2011, Buellton, CA
Working Certificate title - LRCSC/LRC Chino, CA October 27, 2013
Rally Novice B 92, 3rd place and RN title - Del Sur KC, March 15, 2014
Rally Novice B 93, 4th place - Valley Hills Obedience Club, Decenber 8,2013
Rally Novice B 82 - LRC of Southern California, April 27,2013
Marina - 5 years 9 months |
Marina 5 1/2 years |
Marina - 3 years |
Marina 2 years |
Marina 2 years |
16 months |
13 weeks |
5 weeks |
8 months |
4 months |
Int. CH. Norfield Indigo Bunting
Rocheby Indigo Blue CD RE WC x Int. CH. Norfield Royal Marina, RN WC
Bubbles 31 months |
Norfield Blue Stocking
Rocheby Indigo Blue CD RE WC x Int. CH. Norfield Royal Marina RN WC
Star - 12 weeks |
Norfield Blue Iris
Rocheby Indigo Blue CD RE WC x Int. CH. Norfield Royal Marina RN WC
Olive |
Norfield Blueberry
Rocheby Indigo Blue CD RE WC x Int. CH. Norfield Royal Marina RN WC
Casey |
Int. CH. Norfield Ruffian, WC
Norfield Will Scarlet x Int.CH.Norfield Royal Marina, RN WC
Ruffy - 26 months |
Norfield Raffles
Norfield Will Scarlet ex Int.CH. Norfield Royal Marina, RN WC
Myrrh - 27 months |
Norfield Rowdy
Norfield Will Scarlet x Int.CH. Norfield Royal Marina, RN WC
Abbie |
Norfield My Boy Bill
Int.CH.Langshott Old Bill at Kimvalley x Int.CH.Norfield Royal Marina, RN WC
| |
Norfield Mister Bill Int.CH.Langshott Old Bill at Kimvalley x Int.CH.Norfield Royal Marina, RN WC
Mister Bill |