Norfield, Reg., Labrador Retrievers
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The Labradors
Eng. Dual CH. Bramshaw Bob
Eng. Dual CH. Bramshaw Bob
Eng. Dual CH. Bramshaw Bob
Eng. CH. and Field Trial CH. Bramshaw Bob
Black dog
DOB: 11 December 1929
Breeder:Mrs. Sofer-Whitburn
Owner: Lorna, Countess Howe
Eng.CH.Ingleston Ben
Duke of Kirkmahoe
Eng. CH. Withington Banter
Kirkmahoe Dina
Ingleston Nancy
Banchory Roger
Brocklehirst Nell
Bramshaw Brimble
Eng. FT CH. Kirkmahoe Rover
Eng.Dual CH. Banchory Bolo
Kirkmahoe Dina
Somerley Belle
Pallinsburn Vic
©2007-2025 Jane Babbitt All rights reserved